Sunday, March 16, 2014

What is a doughnut?

Someone who is crazy about money.

A doughnut is a fried cake shaped like a ring In slang, dough also means "money", and nut can mean "a crazy or eccentric person". If you are a nut for something, it means that you are extremely enthusiastic about it.

A: Richard, you're looking well. How about getting some coffee with me?
B: Coffee and doughnuts sounds great! So, what have you been up to lately? I haven't seen you for awhile.
A: Actually, I've been working around the clock in my new business.
B: oh, you're to money! You're becoming a real "dough nut"!
A: Yea, and a health nut, too. I don't eat doughnuts any more, they have too much fat!

101 American English Riddles: Understanding Language and Culture Through Humour
Author: Harry Coollis

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