Friday, March 28, 2014

What room can you bounce around in?

A ballroom.

To bounce means "to move up and down after hitting the ground." To bounce around means "to move all around," usually in a very large space. Ball has two meanings. Normally it means "a round object that bounces"_ for example, a soccer ball. A ball can also be a big formal party, usually with dancing, and a ballroom is a large room for dancing.


Jessica and Paul were one of the first couples to arrive at the school gymnasium, which had been turned into a ballroom for the night of the big dance. They had a marvellous time bouncing around the dance floor from dusk until dawn. However, everyone had a big surprise when one of the storage room doors flew open, and dozens of basketballs rolled out onto the dance floor. It was really a "ball room" then!

101 American English Riddles: Understanding Language and Culture Through Humour
Author: Harry Coollis

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